
This report is for: Jane Doe

Tina Heals

Personality Profile

contact Info: Tina Heals

Western Tropical - Placidus

The Personality Profile Report is compiled based on your personal planetary positions at birth. It is a comprehensive report that is full of practical understanding of the zodiac archetypes and how they are applied to real people.

The content is laid out in sections with no section being specifically more important than the other. All content is equally important yet deals with different aspects of your life.

Because Tina knows the importance and differences between the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon, some videos have been placed specifically in a class of its own.

Please take note of the Two Planet Combination in Signs section. Tina understands that it's rarely just the Sun or the Moon that build your emotional character, but the combination of them both. Tina is one of the few astrologers to produce videos of this detail.

Characteristics of the Ascendant

Tina calls out the difference between the rising sign and the Ascendant. The Ascendant is the degree into your rising sign at the moment you where born which makes it a specific element of the rising sign.

Understanding this difference, what you'll find in this section are videos that talk about the energies of influence that come from the rising sign at your moment of birth.

The rising sign can be linked to what you bring with you into the world, what you instinctively do and what you find to be deep core aspects of your subconscious.

1 The exact time of birth is unknown. Astrology House system information should not be used.

Characteristics of the Sun Sign

The placement of the Sun points into your chart at the sign that helps define personality traits associated with the ego and how you present yourself to others. It represents how you shine your light and how others see you. Guessing someone's Sun sign can be relatively easy because anyone should be able to read what you project. In order to really get to know someone or see what they are attracted to, you'll need to look deeper into their Moon, Venus and Mars.


Covering 1: Sun 13° Capricorn 36' d

Keywords: Angel of Sun Sign

Content Length: (9:47)

Covering 1: Sun 13° Capricorn 36' d

Keywords: How to date a Capricorn

Content Length: (9:54)

Characteristics of the Moon Sign

The placement of the Moon is very important in order to figure out how the person finds emotional satisfaction in life and love. The Moon is all about the emotions which means it is directly related to what you need in your relationships and what you're looking for. It is also tied directly to the divine feminine which is the broader nurturing energy.

Covering 1: Moon 3° Libra 14' d

Content Length: (3:32)

Covering 1: Moon 3° Libra 14' d

Content Length: (0:34)

Two Planet Combinations in Signs

Every two-planet combination video comes from a collection of one hundred and forty-four.

Because the Moon and Sun work together to really define your emotional character, Tina has created a collection that specifically looks at this combination for you.

Moon & Sun

Covering 1: Moon 3° Libra 14' d

Covering 2: Sun 13° Capricorn 36' d

Keywords: Personality for both men and women

Content Length: (9:39)

Planets in the Signs

This is a comprehensive collection of planets in the signs. Many of the videos are combinations that contain both the overview and the placement. In cases where they where separated, the overview is linked in at the top of the section and the placement is embedded.


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Covering 1: Jupiter 10° Scorpio 15' d

Content Length: (10:50)

Covering 1: Pluto 27° Scorpio 10' d

Content Length: (9:25)


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Covering 1: Sun 13° Capricorn 36' d

Keywords: How you are preceived by the world

Content Length: (6:30)

Covering 1: Mercury 13° Capricorn 49' d

Content Length: (9:40)

Covering 1: Venus 10° Capricorn 32' d

Content Length: (10:55)

Covering 1: Mars 11° Capricorn 31' d

Content Length: (10:45)

Covering 1: Uranus 21° Capricorn 46' d

Content Length: (11:05)

Covering 1: Neptune 20° Capricorn 35' d

Content Length: (12:30)


Covering 1: Saturn 27° Aquarius 19' d

Content Length: (11:30)


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