
This report is for: John Doe

Eliza Verse

Personality Profile

contact Info: ElizaVerse

Western Tropical - Placidus

The Personality Profile report is built off your natal planetary placements. Eliza has compiled a collection of videos where she talks about what your placement means and generally addresses what you might want to do about it.

She has a clear matter-of-fact approach to the placements and doesn't see them as being either good or bad, but they are what they are. The idea is to make the best of the situation at hand.

The content that she has made public includes planets in signs and the ascendant.

As with all reports, if there is a link above the embedded video, that is a video overview of the content that will be covered in the embedded video.

Characteristics of the Ascendant

Even through the Ascendant is displayed first in this report, Eliza makes it a point to state that the rising sign is what we bring into this world and it is the mask that we wear, which tend to make it less important to her than either the Sun Sign or Moon Sign. Likewise, she puts a strong emphasis that we should be moving towards our North Node.

Please take note that the rising sign is only applicable if you know the time of day that you where born.

Covering 1: Ascendant 16° Taurus 23'

Keywords: Rewarded for taking it slow and steady. Planning and thinking it out.

Content Length: (5:00)

Covering 1: Ascendant 16° Taurus 23'

Keywords: Do I look like my rising sign?

Content Length: (0:12)

Keywords: Do I look like my rising sign?

Content Length: (0:33)

Planets in the Signs

At this point in time, Eliza has covered the Sun, Moon, Moon's Node, Mercury, Venus and Mars. She is clear and concise with how she covers the influence from each planet and is careful to make sure you get the differences rather than the similarities. The beauty with the approach is that you get a clearer understanding of the role that each heavenly body plays in the makeup of your personality.



Covering 1: Sun 24° Aries 53' d House: 12

Keywords: Lick it like a lollipop.

Content Length: (8:40)

Covering 1: Venus 9° Aries 0' d House: 12

Keywords: Dangerous desire and rebel that right the edge. The conqueror, torrid affair.

Content Length: (9:18)


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Covering 1: Moon 20° Virgo 33' d House: 5

Keywords: It's just a fact! Better rather than perfect.

Content Length: (7:21)

Covering 1: Jupiter 5° Virgo 2' r House: 5

Keywords: Service

Content Length: (2:04)


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Covering 1: Mean North Node 4° Capricorn 16' r House: 8

Keywords: Capricorn North Node & Cancer South Node

Content Length: (9:56)


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Covering 1: Mercury 29° Pisces 56' d House: 12

Keywords: Emotionally charged abstract thought.

Content Length: (4:57)

Covering 1: Mars 13° Pisces 34' d House: 11

Keywords: Aggressively boundaryless. Constant, steady shifting.

Content Length: (7:31)