Here, Britney covers the way other people see you, or your karmic doorway as she describes your rising sign. She gets into the physical, emotional and mental aspects of the sign and she takes her time to get you her take.
As a reminder, the ascendant is calculated off your exact time of birth, so look up that time on your birth certificate or see if you can hire an astrologer to rectify your time of birth. Not all astrologers do this, but if you find one, you might be surprised at how they find your exact (window) of time.
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Britney Taylor
Characteristics of the Ascendant
contact Info: Britney Taylor
Western Tropical - Whole Sign
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Aries Ascendant
Content Length: (9:38)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Taurus Ascendant
Content Length: (8:49)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Gemini Ascendant
Content Length: (8:38)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Cancer Ascendant
Content Length: (11:41)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Leo Ascendant
Content Length: (7:43)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Virgo Ascendant
Content Length: (8:37)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Libra Ascendant
Content Length: (9:27)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Scorpio Ascendant
Content Length: (10:39)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Sagittarius Ascendant
Content Length: (11:04)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Capricorn Ascendant
Content Length: (10:02)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Aquarius Ascendant
Content Length: (11:16)
- Overview of Ascendant (4:43)
Covering 1: Pisces Ascendant
Content Length: (9:14)