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Authors, Bios, Eliza Verse

Eliza Verse

~Truth from Within~

In my video blogs, I explore astrology as well as psychology and interpersonal relationships. I have lived many lives and believe in the power of change. After living all over, I currently live in Los Angeles. I love interior design, cooking, writing music, hiking, learning and playing…anything. In addition to my vlogs, I also do personal chart readings, compatibility readings and transit readings. If interested, feel free to contact me at my link listed below.

Currently, the collection of videos shared on The Astrology Reel revolve around influences from planets in the signs. What is discussed ranges from basic personality traits like the ego and the self to how you tend to express yourself and deal with life’s situations. Most importantly, I always try to express how you can work to balance the energies that flow your way.

I hope you enjoy my astrological interpretations – Eliza.

Eliza Verse


The Personality Profile report is built off your natal planetary placements. Eliza has compiled a collection of videos where she talks about what your placement means and generally addresses what you might want to do about it.

She has a clear matter-of-fact approach to the placements and doesn’t see them as being either good or bad, but they are what they are. The idea is to make the best of the situation at hand.

The content that she has made public includes planets in signs and the ascendant. Please click the sample links below to see the current collection of planets.

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Sample with known birthtime: John Doe
Sample with unknown birthtime: Jane Doe

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